Things you may not know about umbrella insurance

Regardless of the insurance policy you have, it is important to understand that any insurance policy has its own limitations. For example, if you have auto insurance and you are facing an expensive liability claim, your standard coverage might not be enough. What should you do in this situation? The good news is that there is a solution: you can purchase umbrella insurance that will address such liability coverage gaps. If you are thinking about getting umbrella insurance, there are certain things you should know.

Here are some facts about umbrella insurance that you might not be aware of: 

  • Umbrella insurance is more affordable than you think. One of the most interesting and unexpected facts about this insurance is that it is cheaper than you think. In fact, most insurance companies charge only a few hundred dollars for umbrella insurance per year. 
  • It provides coverage in any part of the world. Unlike many other types of insurance, umbrella policies do not have geographical limitations. That means that if you have umbrella insurance, you are covered in all countries. 
  • Umbrella insurance protects against catastrophic losses. Many umbrella insurance policies are designed to protect businesses and companies against catastrophic losses. Therefore, if you want to make sure that your company has enough protection, getting  umbrella insurance is a smart idea,

Reach Out To Us

Even though umbrella insurance is a non-mandatory type of insurance, it offers extra protection and many other benefits. If you live or operate a business in Pinellas County and are thinking about buying an umbrella insurance policy to have peace of mind, you should reach out to Zenith Insurance Group. At Zenith Insurance Group serving clients in Pinellas County, we will help you find the right umbrella coverage that will offer you enough protection.